Shape-dependent Polymer Function

Overview: The accessibility of polymeric materials has led to their widespread use in addressing diverse global challenges from food preservation to light transportation and affordable medical devices. Polymer structure can be tuned in a variety of ways to target desired outcomes, such as the length or composition of the material. One overlooked aspect of polymer structure is its shape itself. For this project, we are investigating how polymer shape influences a wide range of applications. Recently, we've been exploring how polymer shape can enhance degradability for plastic recycling, or antimicrobial properties for medical equipment. Research on this project will involve organic polymer synthesis, material characterization, and testing degradation or antimicrobial activity.

Logistics: You will be actively working in the research lab with a small team that is focused on this project. Our lab will be conducting full-time research for 8 weeks from Monday, June 16 to Friday, August 8  (June 19 and July 4 are holidays). The typical time commitment is ~40 hours per week with an approximate schedule of 9 am - 5 pm per day. We will have weekly group meetings where all group members present their research updates.

Essay prompt: In 1-2 paragraphs, please describe what motivates you to pursue this full-time summer research opportunity, and what you are hoping to learn. Please also include at least one question you have about the proposed research.

Name of research group, project, or lab
Brucks Research Group
Why join this research group or lab?

The Brucks research group is a relatively new team at Harvey Mudd, and we are actively exploring new areas of research. You will have the opportunity to help chart these next directions of our studies into controlling polymer shape and how this influences polymer function. This specific project will afford experience in techniques from both organic chemistry and polymer science, including characterization with NMR, size-exclusion chromatography (SEC), and ultrasonication, as well as some chemical biology experiments with bacteria. In addition to lab techniques, supportive collaboration, good record keeping and data analysis, and effective communication of results will be strongly emphasized. Our team always centers respect and inclusivity to foster an environment where everyone can succeed.

Representative publication
Logistics Information:
Project categories
Materials Science
Molecular Design
Polymer Science
Student ranks applicable
Student qualifications

We welcome all who are interested in experimental interdisciplinary science, especially those with identities that have been historically excluded from STEM. 

Time commitment
Summer - Full Time
Paid Research
Number of openings
Techniques learned

Group members will learn techniques in polymer synthesis and characterization, as well as primary literature analysis, effective communication of results, and collaborative project management.

Project start
Mon, June 16
Contact Information:
Principal Investigator
Name of project director or principal investigator
Spencer D Brucks
Email address of project director or principal investigator
2 sp. | 12 appl.
Hours per week
Summer - Full Time
Project categories
Materials Science (+4)
ChemistryMaterials ScienceMolecular DesignPolymer ScienceSustainability