Evaluating Heat Pumps with Thermal Energy Storage in Minnesota
Although heat pumps can perform efficiently and effectively for most heating hours, available products perform poorly below 0 °F and fail to function in the coldest conditions. To ensure resiliency, current practice in Minnesota is to accompany residential heat pumps with a redundant heating system, either combustion or electric resistance. Redundant systems are expensive, technically challenging to integrate properly, and can cause excessive electricity demand, especially during the coldest days of the year.
The project team, led by Minnesota's Center for Energy and Environment, will evaluate at least two different commercially available thermal storage technologies that address many of the shortcomings of cold climate heat pumps for space heating in Minnesota. These technologies integrate heat pumps with thermal storage to enable efficient space heating without the need for combustion backup and without causing excessive electricity demand.
Students interested in this project would be the third cohort in this research group, and have the opportunity to continue to shape the lab culture for their peers to come. The goal of this project, and the group collectively, is to apply engineering principles, social, and ecological ethics to develop decarbonized building energy systems.
Recognizing that the climate crisis disproportionately impacts people with lesser socioeconomic capital, our research portfolio will center energy equity and environmental justice. The other ongoing project in this lab aims to advance heat pump space- and water-heating for multifamily communities in cold climates burdened by high energy costs.